Welcome back, Apprentices! Today, we're going to take a little time out of the kitchen to discuss the importance of tolerance and education in today's world. I know, I totally just sounded like an elementary school teacher there, didn't I? Well, that's because SOMEONE has not been a very kind or tolerant fellow lately. So please forgive the editorial, Dear Readers, but for the sake of culinary peace and harmony, it needs to be said.
In a recent online Q&A, singer/songwriter Morrissey went on a crazy-town rant comparing eating meat to rape and pedophilia. Now, clearly the celebrity bubble surrounding Morrissey isn't frequently popped with reality or he wouldn't be so cavalier with his opinions. Comparing the intent behind committing rape or molesting a child to eating a piece of fried chicken shows a detachment from basic human compassion that is just frightening. I'm sure the many victims of these crimes truly appreciate having their life-altering trauma reduced to eating a plate of bacon and eggs for breakfast.
I get it, he's a vegetarian. And that's nice. I respect his life decisions. The problem is that Morrissey doesn't give others the same courtesy. Rather than working to raise awareness about vegetarianism in a peaceful, educational way, Morrissey chooses to fling about judgement and over-the-top condemnations. Sure, he's done the occasional ad for PETA and he even cancelled a tour to Canada to protest their policies on seal hunting, but what has he really done to raise awareness about vegetarianism for the average family? Oh, wait…that's right…he can't be bothered. Morrissey just walks away if he's ever introduced to someone who "eats beings." One has to wonder if the air has gotten too thin from where he's perched on his high horse. I eat meat. I like it. Does that make me a horrible person? Obviously, I could never deign to be in the same room as someone so clearly superior to my pitiful self as the Great Morrissey but am I really in the same category as rapists, murderers and pedophiles? My vegan and vegetarian friends still, somehow, tolerate my presence. But they also happen to be logical, normal, sweet human beings.
Celebrities have a unique opportunity to reach out and help humanity. They have the spotlight, the money and the audience who will listen to their causes and occasionally answer the call to action. But I can't help but feel that Morrissey is squandering an opportunity to really make a difference for vegetarianism. If he feels so passionate about the subject, he needs to speak about it in a way that will affect change, not perpetuate anger and ignorance. But perhaps I ask too much from a man who titled his albums "Meat is Murder" and "Viva Hate."
To Morrissey, I would suggest he visit RAINN.org for more information on rape and abuse. And if you or someone you love has been assaulted, please seek help.
If you're curious about some delicious vegan food, check out Mad Beet and Vegan Shibby by my friends Gia and Gem…both promoting veganism in a positive way! Well done ladies! I love you both!
Stay tuned for a new quest and be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for all the latest 8-Bit Cook news!